Viola Jokes

Bekanntes Streichquartett sucht noch zwei Violinisten und einen Cellisten.

Q: Die drei überflüssigsten Dinge der Welt?
A: Das Bratschensolo und die Eier vom Papst

Dirigent ist krank. Der erste Bratschist wird gefragt, ob er uebernimmt. Kein Propplem. Bei der naechsten Probe ist der Dirigent wieder da und der zweite Bratschist fragt den ersten: "Du, sag mal, wo warst du eigentlich letztes Mal?"

Dirigent: He, Trompete, warum kommt bei dir nix?
Trompeter: Der Bratschist hat mein Mundstueck weggenommen!
Dirigent: Bratschist, warum hast du dem Trompeter das Mundstueck weggenommen?
Bratschist: Der hat mir 'ne Saite verstimmt und sagt nicht, welche.

Dirigent: "Wie beginnen drei Takte vor dem da capo!"
Bratschist: "Moment! Wir haben keine Taktnummern..."

Es uebrigens stimmt nicht, dass Bratschen groesser als Geigen sind. Das ist eine optische Taeuschung. Die Koepfe der Bratschisten sind kleiner.

Bratscher wird gefragt: "Was ist die Subdominante von F-Dur?"
Bratscher: "Was soll das, F-Dur *ist* doch die Subdominante!?"

How is lightning like a violist's fingers?
Neither one strikes in the same place twice.

How do you keep your violin from getting stolen?
Put it in a viola case.

What's the difference between a violin and a viola?
  1. The viola burns longer.
  2. The viola holds more beer.
  3. You can tune the violin.

We all know that a viola is better than a violin because it burns longer. But why does it burn longer?
It's usually still in the case.

How do you get a viola section to play spiccato?
Write a whole note with "solo" above it.

How do you get a violist to play a passage pianissimo tremolando?
Mark it "solo."

What's the difference between a viola and a coffin?
The coffin has the dead person on the inside.

What do you do with a dead violist?
Move him back a desk.

What's the difference between a viola and a trampoline?
You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.

What's the difference between a viola and an onion?
No one cries when you cut up a viola.

What's the definition of a minor second?
Two violists playing in unison.

What's the definiton of "perfect pitch?"
Throwing a viola into a dumpster without hitting the rim.

Why do violists stand for long periods outside people's houses?
They can't find the key and they don't know when to come in.

What's the difference between a seamstress and a violist?
The seamstress tucks up the frills.

What's the difference between a washing machine and a violist?

Why do so many people take an instant dislike to the viola?
It saves time.

How can you tell when a violist is playing out of tune?
The bow is moving.

How was the canon invented?
Two violists were trying to play the same passage together.

Why is playing the viola like peeing in your pants?
They both give you a nice warm feeling without making any sound.

Why is a viola solo like a bomb?
By the time you hear it, it's too late to do anything about it.

Why is a viola solo like premature ejaculation?
Because even when you know it's coming, there's nothing you can do about it.

Why do violists leave their instrument cases on the dashboards of their cars?
  1. So they can park in "handicapped" parking places.
  2. If someone mistakes them for mafia, they might get some respect.

Why don't violists play hide and seek?
Because no one will look for them.

Why do violists smile when they play?
Because ignorance is bliss and what they don't know can't hurt them.

Why shouldn't violists take up mountaineering?
Because if they get lost, it takes ages before anyone notices that they're missing.

What's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a crushed viola in the road?
Skid marks before the skunk.

How do you get a violin to sound like a viola?
  1. Sit in the back and don't play.
  2. Play in the low register with a lot of wrong notes.

If you throw a violist and a soprano off a cliff, which one would hit the ground first? (two answers)
  1. The violist. The soprano would have to stop halfway down to ask directions.
  2. Who cares?

A conductor and a violist are standing in the middle of the road. which one do you run over first, and why?
The conductor. Business before pleasure.

Why is a violist like a terrorist?
They both screw up bowings (Boeings).

What's the most popular recording of the William Walton viola concerto?
Music Minus One

What do a viola and a lawsuit have in common?
Everyone is happy when the case is closed.

What is the range of a Viola?
As far as you can kick it.

What do a SCUD missile and a viola player have in common?
They're both offensive and inaccurate.

Why are violas so large?
It's an optical illusion. It's not that the violas are large; just that the viola players' heads are so small.

What's the difference between a chain saw and a viola?
If you absolutely had to, you could use a chain saw in a string quartet.

What is the definition of a cluster chord?
A viola section playing on the C string.

Why do violists get antsy when they see the Kama Sutra?
All those positions!

If you're lost in the desert, what do you aim for? A good viola player, a bad viola player or an oasis?
The bad viola player. The other two are only figments of your imagination.

Why shouldn't you drive off a cliff in a mini with three violas in it?
You could fit in at least one more.

How many violists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. They're not small enough to fit.

Why do people tremble with fear when someone comes into a bank carrying a violin case?
They think he's carrying a machine gun and might be about to use it.
Why do people tremble with fear when someone comes into a bank carrying a violin case?
They think he's carrying a viola and might be about to use it.

What's the difference between the first and last desk of a viola section?
  1. half a measure
  2. a semi-tone

Why can't you hear a viola on a digital recording?
Recording technology has reached such an advanced level of development that all extraneous noise is eliminated.

Did you hear about the violist who bragged that he could play 32nd notes?
The rest of the orchestra didn't believe him, so he proved it by playing one.

Why is viola called "bratsche" in Germany?
Because that's the sound it makes when you sit down on it.

Why can't a violist play with a knife in his back?
Because he can't lean back in his chair.

What instrument do violists envy most?
The harp. You only ever have to play pizzicato on open strings.

What's another name for viola auditions?
Scratch lottery.

What is the difference between a violist and a prostitute?
  1. A prostitute knows more than two positions.
  2. Prostitutes have a better sense of rhythm.

What is the similarity between a violist and a prostitute?
Both are paid to fake climaxes.

How do you get a dozen violists to play in tune?
  1. Shoot 11 of them.
  2. Shoot all of them.
  3. Who the hell wants a dozen violists?

What's the latest crime wave in New York City?
Drive-by viola recitals.

How does a violist's brain cell die?

How do you call a violist with two brain cells?

Why do violists have pea-sized brains?
Because alcohol has swelled them.

How many violists does it take to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies?
Ten. One to stir the batter and nine to peel the M & M's.

What's the similarity between the Beatles and the viola section of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra?
Neither has played together since 1970.

What is the longest viola joke?
Harold in Italy

What do you call a bunch of violists in a hot tub?
Vegetable soup.

Did you hear about the violist who played in tune?
Neither did I.

What is the main reqirement at the "International Viola Competition?"
Hold the viola from memory.

Why did the violist marry the accordion player?
Upward mobility.

How do you transcribe a violin piece for viola?
Divide the metronome marking by 2.

Why do you always bury a viola player three feet under?
Because deep down they are all very nice people.

How do you keep a violist from drowning?
Take your foot off his head.

Note: the following joke is very funny in German, but doesn't translate well into English.
Was sind die drei Lagen auf der Bratsche?
Erste Lage, Notlage, und Niederlage.
(What are the three positions of the viola?
First position, emergency, and defeat.)

Conductor: "Start three measures before the da capo."
Principal violist: "Hold on! We don't have measure numbers."

At a rehearsal, the conductor stops and shouts to the bass section: "You are out of tune. Check it, please!"

The first bassist pulls all his strings, says, "Our tuning is correct: all the strings are equally tight."

The first violist turns around and shouts, "You bloody idiot! It's not the tension. The pegs have to be parallel!"

Radio presenter, Tim Pollard, on BBC Radio Jersey, when introducing a piece of music by the well-known British composer, Eric Coates, said:

"All Eric Coates ever wanted to do was to write music to entertain. But for a while he was a professional viola player."

After his retirement the violist arrived home carrying his viola case. His wife saw the case and asked "What's that?"
(In Germany it is a standing joke that some players leave their instruments in their lockers, removing them only for rehearsals and performances.)

A violist and a 'cellist were standing on a sinking ship. "Help!" cried the 'cellist, "I can't swim!"

"Don't worry," said the violist, "just fake it."

A violist came home and found his house burned to the ground. When he asked what happened, the police told him "Well, apparently the conductor came to your house, and ..."

The violist's eyes lit up and he interrupted excitedly, "The conductor? Came to my house?"

A 'cellist and three violists walked into a restaurant. Presently a waiter came over to serve them.

"Good Evening, sir," he said to the 'cellist. "And what would like tonight?"

"I'd like a rump steak, medium rare," replied the 'cellist.

"Would you like anything with that?"

"What do you have?"

"Salad?" suggested the waiter.

"No, thank you," said the cellist.


"Ah, no."


"Oh, they'll have what I'm having."

A viola player went to a piano recital. After the performance he went up to the pianist and said, "You know, I particularly liked that piece you played last--the one that started with a long trill."

The pianist said, "Huh? I didn't play any pieces that started with trills."

The viola player said, "You know--[he hums the opening bars of Für Elise.]"

A violist in an orchestra was crying and screaming at the oboe player sitting directly behind him. The conductor asked, "What are you so upset about?"

The violist replied "The oboist reached over and turned one of the pegs on my viola and now it's all out of tune!"

The conductor asked "Don't you think you're overreacting?"

The violist replied "I'm not overreacting! He won't tell me which one!"

A violinist noticed at the end of each rehearsal break, one of the violists would look at the inside flap of his jacket before he sat down to resume rehearsal. This continued for several decades, and the violinist became quite curious about it. One day, during hot weather, the violist took off his jacket and went off on break. The violinist waited until everyone was off the platform, looked around, and sneaked over to the jacket. He pulled back the flap and saw a little note pinned on the inside. It read: "viola left hand, bow right."

A man went into a novelty shop and saw an item that caught his fancy almost immediately. It was a stuffed rat. The man couldn't take his eyes off it, and finally asked how much it cost. The answer was "$79.95, but if you buy it, you can't return it for any reason." The man thought this was a bit odd, but he was really taken by the stuffed rat so he bought it.

As he headed down the street with the stuffed rat, several live rats started following him. He thought this was really odd, but he kept walking. Within a few blocks, he had a huge pack of rats behind him. When he got to the river, he threw the stuffed rat into the river, and all the live rats jumped into the river and drowned.

The man returned to the shop. As soon as he walked in, the owner said "I told you you couldn't return the stuffed rat!"

The man said "No! I don't want to return it! I was wondering if you had any stuffed violists."

A viola player decides that he's had enough of being a viola player--unappreciated, all those silly jokes. So he decides to change instruments.

He goes into a shop, and says, "I want to buy a violin."

The man behind the counter looks at him for a moment, and then says, "You must be a viola player."

The viola player is astonished, and says, "Well, yes, I am. But how did you know?"

"Well, sir, this is a fish-and-chip shop."

An American orchestra had just arrived in Europe for a two-week tour. One hour before the first concert, the conductor became very ill and was unable to conduct, and the orchestra suddenly had to find a substitute. The orchestra manager asked everyone in the orchestra whether they could step in and conduct, and the only person who was willing was the last chair violist.

The manager was very nervous about this. "We can't audition you," he said.

"No problem," replied the violist.

"There's no time to rehearse. You'll have to do the concert cold."

"I know. It'll be all right."

The violist conducted the concert and it was a smashing success. Since the conductor remained ill for the duration of the tour, the violist conducted all of the concerts, getting rave reviews and standing ovations at each one.

At the next rehearsal, the conductor had recovered, and the violist took his place at the back of the viola section. As he sat down, his stand partner asked him "Where've you been for the last two weeks?"

Once there was a violist playing in the Winnipeg Symphony. He wasn't that wonderful a player, so he sat at the back of the section. One day he was cleaning out his attic and discovered an old lamp. He gave it a rub and out popped a genie.

"For letting me out of my lamp I'll grant you three wishes!" he said.

The violist thought for a moment and replied, "Make me a far better musician than I am now."

The genie told him that this would be done. He was to go to sleep, and in the morning he would be a much better musician. The next day he woke up to find himself the principal violist of the Symphony. Well, this was just great, he thought! But he knew he could do better. He rubbed the lamp again, and out popped the genie.

"You have two more wishes!" he said.

"I want you to make me a better musician than I am even now!"

Once again, the genie told him to go to bed, and when he woke up it would be so. When the violist awoke, he found he was now the principal violist of the Berlin Philharmonic. Well, the violist thought this was pretty grand, but knew he could do better yet. He rubbed on the lamp again, and once more out came the genie.

"This is your last wish." the genie said.

"I want you to make me yet a better musician still!"

Yet again, he was told to go to sleep. The next morning, he woke up to find himself back in Winnipeg, sitting in the last desk of the second violin section.

A musician from the Chicago Symphony one day ran across an old lamp at a garage sale, took it home, washed it up, and out popped at genie.

"Thank you kind sir for releasing me from this old lamp. I regret to say that you have encountered a poor, less powerful genie, and I can only grant you one wish, but wish away." said the genie.

"Oh that's wonderful. I think I would really like to make a difference in the world with my one wish.", said the musician. He thought for a moment and then reached for his atlas. "Here's a map of the Middle East. The people who live there have been fighting for years and years. For my one wish, I would like to to bring peace to this land."

The genie, a little caught off gaurd, said "Oh, well, ah... that's a little bit too much for even this old master to handle. Aah, ya see, these people... they're involved in that touchy religious stuff, and aah, the kids, aah, they begin fighting when they're just teenagers. I'm afraid you're going to have to make another wish."

"Well, okay." said the musician. "For my one wish, I would just once like to hear the Chicago Symphony viola section play in tune."

The genie quickly thought for a moment and replied, "Um, let me take a look at those maps again."

A violist was hiking in the mountains, and he came upon a shepherd who was tending a large herd of sheep that were grazing in the alpine meadow. The violist took a fancy to the sheep, and asked the shepherd: "If I can guess how many sheep you have, can I have one?"

The shepherd thought this was an odd request, but thought that there was little chance that the man would guess the exact number of sheep, so he said "Sure."

The violist guessed "You have 287 sheep," to the shepherd's astonishment, since this was exactly how many sheep he had.

The violist got all excited and asked "Can I pick out my sheep now?" and the shepherd grudgingly gave his permission. The violist selected his sheep, bent over, and swung the sheep over his shoulders, to carry home with him.

The shepherd then got an idea and asked "If I guess what your occupation is, can I have my sheep back?" The violist was a bit surprised by this, but figured that it was unlikely that the shepherd would be able to guess his occupation, and went along with the deal. The shepherd then guessed "You're a violist, aren't you?"

The violist was very surprised and asked, "How did you know?"

The shepherd responded, "Put the dog down and we'll talk about it."

When "Oetzi," the famous glacier-mummy, was found in the Alps, archeologists and anthropologists were mystified by the riddle of "Oetzi's" nature, the chief question being: "How did he get under the ice-fields?" Thanks to a joint venture operation by leading music-anthropologists the mystery has found its solution: "Oetzi" must have been a violist. How else could the glacier have caught up with him?

In order to save money, the musicians decided to build their Union Hall themselves. As they proceeded to do the job, gradually the hierarchy of the musicians was reflected in the jobs that they did. The violists found themselves at the bottom of a ditch doing the nastiest of the digging. Above them, supervising, was a trumpet player. One violist turned to another and asked, "How come we're working down here and he's working up there?"

The other responded, "I don't know, but I'll go up there and ask."

The violist crawled up to the top of the ditch. "Why are we down there digging while you're up here supervising?" the violist asked the trumpeter.

"Because I'm smarter than you," was the reply.

"Huh, I don't understand," the confused violist said.

"Allow me to demonstrate," said the trumpeter. He walked up to the nearest tree, put out his open hand in front of the tree and said to the violist, "Hit my hand!"

The violist reared back with his fist and shot a punch at the trumpeter's open hand. At the last instant, the trumpeter moved his hand out of the way so that the violist's fist went slamming into the tree.

"OW!," cried the violist, "I see what you mean." He then returned to the ditch and his friend waiting below.

"Well," said the other violist, "did you find out why he's up there and we're down here?"

"Yes," said the violist, whose hand was still throbbing, "it's because he's smarter than us."

"I don't understand," said his friend.

"Let me explain it to you," said the violist. He then took his open hand and placed it in front of his own face.

"Now," he said, "hit my hand with your shovel!"

A group of terrorists hijacked a plane full of violists. They called down to ground control with their list of demands and added that if their demands weren't met, they would release one violist every hour.

Once upon a time there was a hospital where they made brain transplantations. A client asked about the prices.

The doctor said, " Well, this Ph.D. brain costs $10,000...this brain belonged to a NASA top scientist and costs $15,000...oh yes, here we a violist's brain as well. It costs $50000."

The client asked, "What? How's that possible?"

The doctor replied, "You see, it's totally unused."

A noted bon vivant and comic was recently flying to Berlin. He decided to strike up a conversation with his seat mate.

"I've got a great violist joke. Would you like to hear it?"

"I should let you know first that I am a violist".

"That's OK. I'll tell it real slow!"

A psychiartrist walks into a brain shop, and says to the propriator "Hello. I am here to do some reasearch on human brains. What do you have in stock?"

"Well," propriator began, "We have some Harvard MBA brains at $10 a pound. We also have a few NASA brains going for about $100 a pound. And, just in today, we have some fresh violist brains."

"How much are they?" the scientist inquired.

"$1000 a pound."

"Wow! That's expensive! Every orchestra has them. Why are they so expesive? Are they really high quality?"

"Well, no, they're about average. But, do you know how many violists you have to kill to get a pound of brains?"

A violist and a percussionist were walking in a park. The percussionist saw a dead crow and said to the violist, "Look, a dead crow."

The violist looked up and asked, "Where?"

One day Timmy came home from school very excited. "Mommy, Mommy, Guess what? Today in English I got all the way to the end of the alphabet, and everyone else got messed up around 'P'!"

His mother said, "Very good, dear. That's because you're a violist."

The next day, Timmy was even more excited. "Mommy, Mommy, guess what! Today in math I counted all the way to ten, but everyone else got messed up around seven!"

"Very good, dear," his mother replied. "That's because you're a violist."

On the third day, Timmy was beside himself. "Mommy, Mommy, today we measured ourselves and I'm the tallest one in my class! Is that because I'm a violist?"

"No dear," she said. "That's because you're 26 years old."

Two years ago an orchestra was on tour in France. One evening they decided to go find some snails so they could have escargot for dinner. Everybody was given a bag and send into the vineyards.

Gradually everybody came back with their bags filled with snails. All sections were there except the violists, who returned several hours later. The concertmaster asked, "Were have you been for so long and why are your bags empty?"

"Well," they said, "I don't know how you managed, but It was a disaster. We saw a lot of snails, but they were quick! Just as we went to get them, rush...and they were gone!"

A man (call him Horace) went on a safari in darkest Africa with a bunch of other people and some native guides. They traveled on foot, going deep into the jungle where they could hear the screeching of birds and howling of wild cats and other fierce wild animals.

After a few days of travel, Horace came to notice that there was a constant drumming noise in the background. He asked the leader of the guides what the drumming was. He got no answer, just a stony silence. The drumming continued all day and all night for the next several days. In fact, as they traveled deeper into the jungle the drumming got even louder. Horace tried again to find out what the drumming meant by asking the other native guides, but he still got no answer.

Finally one morning, after days of marching to this drumming (which by now was sounding quite ominous), the drums suddenly stopped. The native guides screamed and ran into the jungle to hide in the undergrowth. The leader remained behind with his charges, but he was trembling with fear. Horace asked "What is wrong? Why have the drums stopped?"

The native guide replied "Very bad."

"What?" asked Horace, who was expecting the worst.

The guide answered "When drum stops, very bad--next comes viola solo!"


For sale: Viola, German, 19th century, 405mm. Excellent condition. Recently tuned.

Established string quartet requires two violinists and a 'cellist.

Entry Exam For The BBC Symphony Orchestra--Viola Players

The pass mark is 10% but be careful--over 45% and you are overqualified.

  1. Who wrote the following:
    a) Beethoven's Symphony No. 6
    b) Fauré's Requiem
    c) Wagner's Ring Cycle
    [5 pts.]

  2. Tschaikovsky wrote 6 symphonies including Symphony no. 4. Name the other five.
    [5 pts.]

  3. Explain "counterpoint" or write your name on the reverse of the paper.
    [10 pts.]

  4. Which of the following would you tuck under you chin?
    a) a timpani
    b) an organ
    c) a 'cello
    d) a viola
    [1 pt.]

  5. Can you explain "sonata form"? (Answer yes or no.)
    [5 pts.]

  6. Which of the following literary works was made the subject of a Verdi opera?
    a) First among Equals -- Jeffrey Archer
    b) Macbeth -- William Shakespeare
    c) Noddy and Big Ears -- Enid Blyton
    [5 pts.]

  7. Domenico Scarlatti wrote 555 harpsichord sonatas for which instrument?
    [5 pts.]

  8. Arrange the following movements in order of speed, starting with the slowest first.
    a) Quickly
    b) Slowly
    c) Very Quickly
    d) At a Moderate Pace
    [4 pts.]

  9. Where would you normally expect to find the conductor during a performance?
    [5 pts.]

  10. Which of the following wrote incidental music to A Midsummer Night's Dream?
    a) Des O'Connor
    b) Mickey Mouse
    c) Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
    d) Terry Wogan
    [5 pts.]

  11. Which of the following is the odd one out?
    a) Sir Colin Davis
    b) Andrew Davis
    c) Sir Peter Maxwell Davies
    d) Desmond Lynham
    [5 pts.]

  12. Arrange the following words into the name of a well known Puccini opera.
    Bohème, La
    [5 pts.]

  13. Within five minutes, how long is Chopin's Minute Waltz?
    [5 pts.]

  14. From which of the following countries did Richard Strauss come?
    a) Venezuela
    b) Sri Lanka
    c) Germany
    d) Japan
    [5 pts.]

  15. For what town were Haydn's "Paris" Symphonies written?
    [5 pts.]

  16. Which is the odd one out?
    a) Fantasy Overture Romeo and Juliet -- Tchaikovsky
    b) Romeo and Juliet -- Berlioz
    c) Romeo and Juliet Ballet -- Prokofiev
    d) Ten Green Bottles -- anon.
    [5 pts.]

  17. From which song do the following lines come?
    "God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen."
    [5 pts.]

  18. Spell the following musical terms.
    [5 pts.]

  19. Tosca is a character found in which Puccini opera?
    [5 pts.]

  20. Arrange the following letters to form the abbreviation for a well known British broadcasting corporation.
    C, B, B.
    [5 pts.]

How do you get two Viola players to play in tune?
Shoot one of them.

What's the definition of a minor 2nd?
Two Viola players playing in unison.

How do you know there's a group of Viola players at your door?
None of them can find the key: None of them knows where to come in.

What's the difference between a Viola and an onion?
Nobody cries when they chop up a Viola.

What's the difference between a Viola and a TV dinner?
The Viola doesn't fit in a Microwave oven. (Unless you break the neck off)

What's the difference between a Violin and a Viola?
A Viola burns longer.

What's the difference between a Viola player driving into town and a plumber driving into town?
The plumber is going to a gig.

What's the difference between a dead Viola player lying in the road and a dead Country Singer lying in the road.
The Country Singer was going to a record date.

What's the difference between a Viola and a lawnmower?
You can tune the lawnmower.

What's the difference between a Viola and a coffin?
With a coffin the dead person is inside.

What's the difference between a Viola and a trampoline?
You should take your shoes off before you jump on a trampoline.

What's the difference between a Viola and scraping your nails on a blackboard?

What's the difference between a Viola player and a dressmaker?
The dressmaker gets paid to tuck up the frills: A Viola player ... never mind

Why do Viola players keep their cases on their car dashboards?
So they can park in handicapped spaces.

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get away from a Viola recital.

What do you get when you cross a Viola player with a roadie?
A Viola player with a gig.

Why is playing a Viola solo like wetting your pants?
Both give you a nice warm feeling while everybody moves away from you.

How can you make a Violin sound more like a Viola?
Miss a lot of notes.

How can you tell if a Viola is out of tune?
The bow is moving.

Why do Violin players double on Viola?
So they can get less work.

Why are Viola parts written in Alto Clef?
Harder to prove that wrong notes weren't copying errors.

Where did Alto Clef originate?
Bach took a bribe from a wealthy Viola player.

What's the range of a Viola?
35 yards if you've got a good arm.

What do you call someone who hangs around musicians a lot?
A Viola player.

Who makes the best Viola mutes?
Smith & Wesson.

When do Viola players usually replace their strings?
Right after they finish eating the CrackerJacks.

Why do symphony orchestras use so many Violas?
To make the custodial staff feel superior. Also helps the homeless problem.

What is the most common Viola tuning system for Western music?

Definition of an optimist:
A Viola player with a beeper.

Why don't you see MIDI Violas being used in bands?
Mattel stopped making them.

What kind of microphone works best for Viola in a live band?
A cordless mini condenser with a dead battery.

Why do so many people take an instant dislike to Viola players?
Why wait; It saves so much time.

What do you call someone who hangs around musicians a lot?
A Viola player.

What do you call a Viola player with half a brain?

What do you call a Violist with more than one brain cell?

Why do Violists get antsy when they see the Kama Sutra?
They can't handle any subject reference to "more than one position".

What do a SCUD missile and a Viola player have in common?
They're both offensive and inaccurate.

Why do Violists make effective rapists?
It's hard to fight back when you've got your hands over your ears.

What's the most effective male birth control method?
Just tell the girl he plays the Viola.

Why don't Violists play hide and seek?
Because no one will look for them.
Why shouldn't Violists take up mountain climbing?
If they get lost, no one will look for them.

Why are some Violists taking up the Accordian?
Upward mobility.

Why are so many Violists dating drummers
It makes them feel superior.

How do you get a Viola player out of a tree?
Cut the rope!

Why are Viola jokes so short?
So Drummers can remember them.


What's the difference between a Viola and fingernails scraping on a blackboard?

What's the difference between a Viola player and a dressmaker?
The dressmaker gets paid to tuck up the frills: A Viola player ...
Never mind.

What's the difference between a Viola and a lawnmower?
You can tune the lawnmower.

What's the difference between a Viola and a lawnmower?
The neighbors get pissed if don't return the lawnmower.

What's the difference between a Viola and a coffin?
The coffin has the corpse inside.

Why is a Violist like a terrorist?
They both screw up bowings. (Bowings/Boeings ... Get it?)

What's the difference between a Violist and a terrorist?
A few people actually like terrorists; Their mothers ...

Why is a Viola like a lawsuit?
Everyone is happy when the case is closed.

Why are Violas larger than Violins?
They're not; It's an optical illusion. Viola players have small heads.

What's the difference between a chain saw and a Viola?
A chain saw has a better shot at blending in a string quartet.

What's the difference between a chain saw and a Viola?
After you put gasoline in the chain saw, people don't throw lit matches at you.

What's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a Viola?
A vacuum cleaner has to be plugged in before it sucks.

What's the difference between an Oboist and a Violist?
The oboe player sustained brain damage AFTER taking up the instrument.

What's the difference between a Violist and a prostitute?
A prostitute knows more than one position.

What's the difference between a Violist and a prostitute?
Prostitutes have a useful purpose.

Yes, but how is a Violist LIKE a prostitute?
Both get paid to fake climaxes.

What's the difference between a Viola and an onion?
Nobody cries when they chop up a Viola.

What's the difference between a Viola and a TV dinner?
The Viola doesn't fit in a Microwave oven. (Unless you break the neck off)

What's the difference between a Violin and a Viola?
The viola holds more beer.

What's the difference between a Violin and a Viola?
A Viola burns longer.

And do you know WHY the Viola burns longer?
It's usually still in the case.


Why do some Violin players double on Viola?
So they can get less work.

How does a Viola player make his car faster?
He takes the Dominos' Pizza sign off the roof.

How do you get rid of a Viola player at your front door?
Pay for the Pizza.

What kind of calendar does a Viola player use to keep track of his gigs?

Definition of an optimist:
A Viola player with a pager.

What does a Viola player say when he gets to his gig?
"Would you like fries with that, sir?"

Why don't you see MIDI Violas being used in rock bands anymore?
Mattel stopped making them.

What kind of microphone works best live on a Viola with a rock band?
A Sony wireless mini-condenser with a dead battery.

What's the most famous TV show to feature a Viola?
A Popiel infomercial; The Viola was used to make crinkle-cut fries.

How can you tell for sure that the concert stage is level?
The Violists are drooling out of both sides of their mouths.

How can a professional Violinist best keep his Violin from getting stolen?
Keep it in a Viola case.

What's the difference between a Viola player driving into town and a
plumber driving into town?
The plumber is going to a gig.

What's the difference between a dead Viola player lying in the road
and a dead Accordian player lying in the road.
The Accordian player was probably going to a gig.

What do you get when you cross a Viola player with a roadie?
A Viola player with a gig.


What's the difference between a dead Viola player lying in the road
and a dead snake lying in the road.
Skid marks in front of the snake.

What's the difference between a dead Viola player lying in the road
and a dead Accordian player lying in the road.
A crowd of sympathetic people trying to put the Accordian back together.

Why do people get nervous when someone walks into a bank carrying a Viola case?
It might actually contain a Viola - and he might take it out and play it.

Why do Viola players keep their cases on their car dashboard?
So they can park in handicapped spaces.

What famous stand-up comedian quipped, "Take my Viola ... please"?
None of them did; They all knew it wouldn't be funny.

What's the best way to disable a Violist?
Stab him in the back. If he can't lean back in his chair, he can't play.

How do you get a Viola player to play softer?
Put WD-40 in his rosin.

What's the latest new crime wave in New York?
Drive-by Viola recitals.

What do you call 50 Violists at the bottom of the ocean?
A good start. (The lawyers are down there too.)

If a tree falls on a Viola in the forest and nobody hears it, is there a sound?
Yes. The sound of applause (as soon as the word gets around).

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get away from a Viola recital.

There's a terrorist driving east and a Viola player walking west.
What can be surmised from this?
The Viola player is probably lost (as usual).
The terrorist is probably on his way to a gig.

How do you keep a violist from drowning?
Take your foot off his head.

If a Violist and a Soprano fall off a cliff, who would land first?
Oh really ... who cares!


Why should you never try to drive a roof nail with a Viola?
You might bend the nail.

Why is a Viola called "Bratsche" in Germany?
That's the sound it makes when you sit on it.

Why do Viola players prefer to use the lighter, soft "gig bag" instrument cases?
They love to hear that sound .... "bratsche, bratsche"

If a tree falls on a Viola in the forest and nobody hears it, is there a sound?
Absolutely: A very loud "Bratsche".

What's the difference between a Viola and a trampoline?
You really should take your shoes off before you jump on a trampoline.

What's the ideal length for a Viola case?
About 6 inches, from the base to the lid of the urn.

Why should you never leave your Viola sitting in a parked car?
A nearsighted thief may think its a violin and break a window.


What's the most popular recording of the Walton Viola concerto?
Music Minus One

What's worse than a Viola ensemble performing Bach transcriptions?
Not much.
Except maybe 200 2nd graders with Accordians accompanying a 75-year-old
retired wrestler on Bagpipes, performing a Phillip Glass arrangement of
Variations on the Brady Bunch theme song.
That's worse.

Why don't orchestrators indicate Scordtura in Viola parts?
The instrument is already detuned; It would just confuse the player.

What is the longest Viola joke?
Harold in Italy

How do you go about transcribing a Violin piece for Viola?
For starters, divide the metronome marking by 2.
Then change all 16th notes to 8ths, and take out all the 32nd notes.

What do you call the cadenza in a Viola concerto?
Comic relief.

What inspired Bach to write his first canon?
He heard two violists trying to play unison.

Why are Viola parts written in Alto Clef?
Harder to prove that wrong notes weren't copying errors.

Where did Alto Clef originate?
Bach took a bribe from a wealthy Viola player.

VIOLA SOLOS: (don't laugh ...)

Why is a viola solo like a bomb?
By the time you hear it, it's too late to do anything about it.

Why is a viola solo like premature ejaculation?
Because even when you know it's coming, there's nothing you can do about it.

Why is playing a Viola solo like wetting your pants?
Both give you a nice warm feeling.

Why is playing a Viola solo like wetting your pants?
Everybody moves as far away from you as possible.


What's the most common tuning system for Violas in Western music?

When do Viola players usually replace their strings?
Right after they finish eating the CrackerJacks.

Why do Viola players keep a rag between their chin and the Viola?
To absorb the drool.

How do you get a Violist to play a tremolo?
Mark the passage "SOLO."

How can you tell if a Viola is out of tune?
The bow is moving.

What's the definition of perfect pitch?
When you throw a Viola into a dumpster without hitting the rim.

What's the famous Viola players' credo?
"It's far better to play a little sharp than to play out of tune."

Who makes the best Viola mutes?
Smith & Wesson.

Did you hear about the Violist who always played in tune?
You wanna hear about it?
Listen, I can get you a great deal on the Brooklyn Bridge.
6 easy payments of $39.95.

What's the first reqirement at the "International Viola Competition?"
Hold the Viola from memory.

What's the range of a Viola?
35 yards if you've got a good arm.

How can you make a Violin sound more like a Viola?
Play only on the G string and miss a lot of notes.

How can you make a Violin sound more like a Viola?
Sit in the back row and just pretend to play.

Why can't you hear the Violas on the newer digital orchestral recordings?
The new 32-bit direct-to-disk recording systems eliminate all unwanted noise.


Why do symphony orchestras use so many Violas?
To make the custodial staff feel superior.
(It also helps with the homeless problem.)

What the first sound you hear after the conductor yells, "Bratsche"?
The Concertmaster saying, "Gesundheit".

How do you get two Viola players to play in tune?
Shoot one of them.

What's the definition of a minor 2nd?
Two Viola players playing in unison.

What do you call two Viola players playing in unison?

What's the difference between the first and last desk of a Viola section?
Usually not more than a couple of beats.

In an orchestra, what's traditionally done when a Viola player dies?
He gets moved back one desk.

How is a symphony Viola section like the Beatles?
Neither has played together for years.

How do you know there's a group of Viola players at your door?
None of them can find the key: None of them knows where to come in.

What do you call a Viola section in a hot tub?
Vegetable soup.

Famous Viola players:

Kenny Kudditt
Willie Showup
Wanda B.Drummer
Arthur Iddick
D."Morey" Skroosup
Carrie DiPitsas
Mike Soff
Ima Dudd
Howard Ino
Manny Musstakes
Skip DeRunz
Kent Reedwell
Beau Spadley
Seamus Bedeff
E.Scott Noklew
Euster Praktiss
Chaim Lostalott
Sinbad Tayste
Too Ning Lo
Fay Kennything
Goetz B.Hynde
Peg Sahrstuck
Hyman Trubble
D. Wong Song
Buster Bridges
Les Saithnotz
Moe Clinkers
Heywood Shustop

Stop me if you've heard this one department:

After majoring in Viola at Juilliard, Murray auditioned for the Boston Symphony and got the gig. He and his new bride moved to Boston. After 40 years with the BSO Murray decided it was time to retire. When his last concert was over, the orchestra threw him a party backstage. There was champagne, toasts, testimonials ... and a few Viola jokes. After the party, Murray cleaned out his locker and went home.
When he walked in the house carrying his Viola, his wife snapped, "Where the hell have you been? Its almost 1am! Have you been drinking? And what the hell is that thing you're carrying?"

You're crawling through the desert - dying of thirst.
Suddenly you see a good Viola player, a bad Viola player, and Santa Claus.
Which one should you ask for water?
The bad Viola player: the other two are mirages.

A Viola player returns home to find his house a pile of smoldering rubble. Police, fire and EMS vehicles and workers are everywhere. A Police Lieutenant takes him aside and gently relates the sordid story: The symphony conductor was having an affair with the Violist's wife. Apparently an S&M session had turned violent when their 6 year old came home from school early. The conductor beat both of them badly and in a fit of rage set the house on fire. Mother and daughter have been taken to the hospital and the conductor is under arrest.
Dumbfounded, the Violist exclaims, "I can't believe it: The conductor came to MY house?"

The orchestra is warming up backstage when suddenly the conductor is taken ill and rushed to the hospital. The scheduled program was to be all very difficult Berg pieces. No conductors are available on this short notice and the orchestra manager is at his wit's end since the alternative is to send the audience home. Suddenly he remembers that one of the viola players did a thesis on Berg in school. Desperate, he asks the man if he would be willing to conduct the program. The violist tells him frankly that he has never conducted before, but is willing to give it a try.
Sparing the details, he conducts; The orchestra comes through in the clutch, and the audience is wildly appreciative - giving the substitute conductor a long standing ovation.
The next morning, at rehearsal, the violist's stand mate turns to him and asks, "Hey ... where were you last night? We had a great concert."

Did you hear about the Violist who bragged that he could play 32nd notes?
The rest of the orchestra didn't believe him, so he proved it by playing one.

A Viola player, fed up with the bad jokes and lack of appreciation, decides to change instruments. He goes into a shop, and says, "I want to buy a violin."
The man behind the counter looks at him for a moment, and then says, "You must be a Viola player."
The Viola player is astonished.
"That's right; I am. But how did you know?"
"Well sir, for one thing, this is hardware store."

A Violinist was walking on the beach and discovered an old oil lamp. He brought it home and - expecting nothing - rubbed it and was amazed when a grateful genie emerged and offered to grant him a wish.
The Violinist declares that he has his health and isn't much interested in material things, but his deepest wish is to see peace come to the Middle East.
The genie points out that he has been imprisoned for two thousand years and has no familiarity with that area or the countries referred to. The Violinist takes out the world atlas to show him, but the genie is clearly overwhelmed by the complexities and politics of the region.
"You know, if you just wanted riches or beautiful women or power" he said, "I could handle that in a second. I'll keep my promise, but I gotta tell you ... racial problems are really complex. It's gonna take me a long time to work out the right spell. Isn't there something a little simpler I could do for you? Really, anything else at all? Just name it!"
The Violinist thinks for a minute.
"Well, there's one other thing. I really love my job with the symphony, but that damned Viola section is always out of tune. Could you maybe cast a spell or something that would bring them more together?"
The genie thinks this over and finally responds;
"Violas? Uh, just let me take another look at that atlas, would you?"

A group of terrorists hijacked a plane full of Viola players. They called down to ground control with their list of demands and added that if their demands weren't met, they would release one Violist every hour.

The personnel manager broke up an intermission fight between an Oboeist and a Violist. The Oboeist complained that the Violist had knocked his reeds all over the floor. The Violist in turn cried "He turned one of my pegs, and now he won't tell me which one!"

Browsing a pawn shop, a Violin player noticed an unusual statue of a golden rat. Fascinated with its ugliness, he bought it. Walking along with the golden rat under his arm, the Violinist heard noises behind him. Turning around, he found that he was being followed by an large group of live rats. As he walked more and more rats joined the parade. He began to run; the rats came on faster. The herd swelled in size. Traffic ground to a halt. People were screaming and running every which way. Lost, the man suddenly found himself at the waterfront. He was heading onto a pier and would soon be trapped. He reached the end, and stumbled to a halt. In his panic he dropped the golden rat, which tumbled off the end of the pier into the river. As he watched in amazement, the live rats rushed past him, dived into the river, and drowned.
Later that day, he found his way back to the pawn shop. The owner said immediately that he hoped the Violinist didn't intend to return the rat statue, and indicated a sign that said "All Sales Final".
"Oh no", said the Violinist; "There's no problem at all. I was just wondering if you had any statues of Viola players?"

The Violist in the back of the orchestra section turned to his desk partner when the page was filled with sixteenth notes and said,
"You'd better take this. I have a wife and kids."

Ten-year old Susie comes home from her first day of school all excited.
"Mommy, mommy; the music teacher is going to give me music lessons at school. And look ... he gave me a Viola to play. See? Isn't it pretty?"
"That's nice, dear."
The next day Susie comes home from school full of excitement.
"Mommy, Mr. Jackson showed me how to play 4 notes in first position on the C string!"
"That's nice, dear. Wash your hands, its time for dinner."
And the next day Susie comes home from school, again full of excitement.
"Mommy, Mr. Jackson showed me how to play 4 more notes ... on the G string!"
"That's very nice, dear. Wash your hands, its time for dinner."
On the 4th day, by 5 o'clock Susie hasn't come home. 6 o'clock passes. 7 o'clock. Her mother is frantic. She calls the police, Susie's friends ... No word at all. Finally, at 11:30 Susie comes home - carrying her Viola case, exhausted, with a somewhat vacant look on her face.
"Susie, where have you been? Daddy and I have been worried sick. Are you OK?"
"I'm sorry mom. I know I should have phoned you, but I got a last minute call to sub with the Philharmonic.

A Violist parked his car on 42nd street - leaving his Viola on the back seat - while he ran into a store. Not a smart thing to do in New York City!
When he came out he found the side window was smashed, his car stereo ripped out of the dash, his cellular phone was gone ... and there were two Violas on the back seat.


For sale: Viola, German, 19th century, 405mm. Excellent condition.
Recently tuned.

Established string quartet looking for two Violinists and a 'Cellist.

How do you make a violin sound like a viola?
Sit in the back and don't play.

What's the difference between a violist and a dog?
A dog knows when to stop scratching.

What do a viola and a lawsuit have in common?
Everyone is relieved when the case is closed.

How do you get a violist to play a downbow staccato?
Put a tenuto mark over a whole note and mark it solo.

What do violists use for birth control?
Their personalities.

How do you know if a viola section is at your front door?
Nobody knows when to come in.

If you throw a violist and a conductor off a tall building, who'll hit the ground first?
Who cares?

You are lost in the desert. You come upon a good Violist, a bad Violist, and a large white rabbit. Of which of the three do you ask directions?
The bad Violist. The other two are mirages.

How do you stop a bus load of Violists from going over a cliff?
You don't.

How do you teach a Violist down-bow staccato?
Write a whole note, put a down-bow mark over it, and then label it "solo".

What's the definition of a quarter-tone?
Two Violists playing the same note.

What is fifty Violists at the bottom of the ocean?
A good start.

What is the difference between a Viola and a coffin?
The coffin has a dead person on the inside.

Why is a doublebass better than a Viola?
The doublebass burns longer.

Why does a Viola burn longer than a cello?
The Viola is always in its case.

What's the difference between a Viola and a trampoline?
You take off your shoes to jump on a trampoline.

Why do violinists switch to Viola?
So they can park in "handicapped" zones.

A Violist and a conductor are in the street. You are driving and cannot avoid them both. Which do you hit?
The Violist. Business before pleasure.

Define a true gentleman.
One who can play the Viola, and won't.

Why are a Violist's fingers like lightning?
They rarely strike the same spot twice.

At a Viola Congress, the rumor went around that one of the participants could play 32nd notes. Many Violists clustered around their colleague and asked him if it was true. He assured everyone that it was, so they asked him to prove it and play one.

Why isn't a Viola like a lawn mower?
Nobody minds if you borrow their Viola.

How is a Viola different from a lawn mower?
You can tune a lawn mower.

Why are Viola jokes so short?
So violinists can remember them.

Why are violins smaller than Violas?
They're actually the same size -- it's the violinists' heads which are larger.

What is the best recording of the Bartok Viola Concerto?
Music Minus One.

The personnel manager broke up an intermission disturbance on stage between the principal oboe and the principal Viola. When asked what the problem was, the oboist said the Violist had knocked his reeds all over the floor. "He had it coming," blustered the Violist. "He turned down one of my pegs, and now he won't tell me which one!"
How is a Viola solo like wetting your pants?
Both publicly humiliating, neither fortunately make much noise, but briefly do give one a nice warm feeling.

A Violist went backstage after a piano recital to congratulate the soloist. "I especially liked that piece that began with the trill," he commented. The pianist was confused: "Trill? Which piece was that?" "The one that went [sing Für Elise]."
How many positions does a Violist use?
Three: 1st, 3rd, and Emergency.

A man went into a pawn shop on Manhattan's East Side one day to browse, and noticed an unusual statue of a golden rat. When he asked the proprietor about the piece, he was told that if he was interested in the statue he could have it only on the condition that he, the customer, would never come back to the shop again. "I've had a lot of trouble with that piece, and I want to get rid of it," said the owner. The man agreed on the conditions of the sale, put down his money, and went out with the statue.

On his way up the street with the golden rat under his arm, the man became aware of a scuffling sound behind him. By and by he realized that rats were following him as he walked, and with every step he took, more rats were joining the scores already behind him. The man started to panic. There were so many rats after three blocks that traffic stopped in the streets. The man began to run, and headed towards the East River, millions of rats in his footsteps. At the end of the piers he stopped and threw the golden rat out into the water: past him rushed virtually every rat on Manhattan island, and every one jumped off the dock after the statue, and drowned.

The man was flabbergasted. He walked back to the pawnshop. The owner tried to lock the door of the shop when he saw the man arriving, but the man got in too quickly. "Look here," said the proprietor, "I told you I never wanted to see you again in this shop!" "Don't worry," said the man, "I just had the most fantastic experience of my life. It was terrific! I just came back to see whether you had a statue of a gold Violist."

What is fifty Violists buried up to their necks in sand?
Not enough sand.

If a Violist and a singer fall off a cliff at the same time, which will land first?
Who cares?

Why don't Violists have hemorrhoids?
Because all the assholes are over in the violin sections.

Why do Violists make effective rapists?
It's hard to fight back when you've got your hands over your ears.

How is a Viola different from an onion?
No one cries when you cut up a Viola.

What's another difference between a Viola and a lawn mower?
The lawn mower vibrates.

What's the difference between a Viola and a vacuum cleaner?
A vacuum cleaner has to be plugged in before it sucks.

A man went on a safari in Africa. The first night out in the wilderness he was disturbed by the sound of drums, which went on all night long. Since the man was still moderately jet-lagged from his trip, he slept a few hours in spite of the noise, but the next morning asked his guide if the drums always sounded all night. "Drums never stop," said the guide. "It is bad if drums stop."

The second night the man was kept up again by the drums. The next morning he complained to the guide, who only shook his head, explaining "Drums never stop. Bad things happen if drums stop."

The third night the drums were louder and closer and more insistent than ever. The man didn't sleep a wink. In the morning, exasperated, he woke the guide, and shouted at him. "The drums! When will they stop?!" The guide, merely shook his head calmly. "Drums never stop. Bad things happen if drums stop."

"But what could happen? What could possibly be that bad?!" cried the man. "Bad things," replied his guide sadly. "Drums stop, Violas start."

What is the requirement for a finalist in the International Viola Competition?
A finalist must be able to hold his Viola from memory.

After a long orchestral career, a Violist decided in his final few weeks of concerts to be adventurous and use fingerings in the third position. He practiced his excerpts carefully at home, and on the night of the concert, at the crucial point, shifted into third. His finger broke. After going to the hospital to get the bone set, the man collected disability forms from the symphony office, filled them out and sent them in. A few days later he heard from the insurance people that none of his claims could be met. "We're sorry," explained the adjuster, "but Violists are not insurable above first position."
Why is it that Violists never practice?
The spirit is willing, but the Flesch is too hard.
Violinists have the Dont etudes; Violists have the Kant etudes.
Why is a Violist like a Scud missile?
Both are inaccurate and highly offensive.

What is the difference between a Violist and a seamstress?
The seamstress tucks frills.

What is the range of a Viola?
About 30 feet, if you kick it hard enough.

How do you tell when a Violist is out of tune?
The bow is moving.

How do you know when there's a Viola section at your front door?
They never know when to come in.

Why aren't Violists like terrorists?
Terrorists have sympathizers.

What is the difference between a Viola and a chainsaw?
A chainsaw blends with chamber ensembles.

How is a Violist like a terrorist?
They both sabotage Boeings.

What's the difference between a shame and a tragedy?
A shame is a busload of Violists going over a cliff. A tragedy is two empty seats on the bus.

What is the ideal length for a Viola?
About 12 inches, from the base to the lid of the urn.

Why does a Viola make such an excellent murder weapon?
Because it is the classic blunt instrument, and never has any fingerprints on it.
Did you hear about the Violist that was so bad that the other members of his section knew it?
How is a Violist different from a dog?
The dog can stop scratching.

A Violist came upon a shepherd tending his extensive flock. "If I can guess how many sheep you have here, can I have one of them?" he asked. The shepherd, confident that the stranger couldn't come close to guessing, readily agreed.
"Great! OK. You have 895 sheep."
"That's amazing! You're right. Well, you get one of my sheep. Now, if I can guess your profession, can I have my animal back?"
"Well, sure, that's fair, though I bet you'll never get it."
"You're a Violist."
"Well, that's correct! How did you know?"
"Put down my dog," said the shepherd, "and I'll tell you."
Driving home from a quartet gig one day, a Violist heard the scream of sirens from his neighborhood. As he got closer to his own street the noise increased. He could smell smoke, and the glare of emergency flashers was everywhere. Turning at the last corner, he was horrified to see that it was his own home, or at any rate, what was left of it, which was on fire. The police stopped him from going any further.
"What happened, what happened?!" the violist cried.
"I'm so sorry sir. The conductor of your orchestra came in here a couple hours ago, after you'd left home. He raped your wife and killed her, kidnapped your children and set fire to the house as he left. Sir? You should sit down sir, you don't look well, sir."
The Violist, his mouth open, was past hearing the policeman. "The Maestro," he murmured. "Just think, the Maestro came to my house!"

A Violist in the symphony was involved in a car accident and became paralyzed from the neck down. Management moved him back a stand.

How many Violists does it take to mix up a batch of chocolate chip cookies?
Three. One to stir the dough, two to peel the M&Ms.

What can you deduce when you see a Violist drooling from both corners of his mouth at once?
You know that the stage is level.

Why do violists walk around when they play?
To get away from the noise.

How many violinists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Just one, he simply holds it up and the world revolves around him.

How do you get a violist nervous?
Put a sheet of music in front of him.

A string quartet consists of a good violinist, a mediocre violinist, a person who wishes he could play the violin, and a person who hates violinists.
When the Dont Violin Etudes are arranged for cello, what are they called?
The Wont Etudes.

Why is one of baseball's best pitchers named Viola?
Because he can throw you a curve at any time.

Why do most people hate violists at first sight?
It saves time.

Did you hear the one about the violist who...
Just a minute! I happen to be a violist!
Oh, excuse me. In that case I'll tell it slowly!
Why are orchestral concert intermissions only twenty minutes long?
So that you don't have to retrain the violists.

What's the difference between an oboist and a violist?
The oboe player sustained brain damage after taking up the instrument.

How do you get a viola player out of a tree?
Cut the rope!

You are driving on the road late at night in very stormy weather and come across a dead snake and a dead violist?
What's the difference?
The skid marks are in front of the snake.

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To escape the viola concert.

What do viola players do in their spare time?
Write dumb viola jokes.

A guy calls up a conductor and says, "I'd like to speak to your viola player." The conductor says, "Our viola player is dead." The guy hangs up.

Five minutes later, the conductor's phone rings again. "I'd like to speak to your viola player." The conductor again replies, "Our viola player is dead." The caller again hangs up.

Five minutes later, he calls back again. "I'd like to speak to your viola player". The conductor answers, "I told you, our viola player is dead. Why do you keep calling?".

"I like to hear it!"

What's the difference between a chainsaw and a viola?
If you absolutely had to, you could use a chainsaw in a string quartet.

The violist in the back of the orchestra section turned to his stand partner when the page was filled with sixteenth notes and said, "You'd better take this. I have a wife and kids."

Did you hear about the violist who dreamed he was playing in the Chicago Symphony, and then woke up and found that he was!

How many violists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. The piano player can do it with his left hand

How else is a coffin different from a violist?
A coffin is a wooden box that holds a dead body.

What do you call a perfectly tuned viola?
A physical impossibility.

How can one tune a viola perfectly?
Have Nolan Ryan throw it against a wall.

Why did Einstein play a violin instead of a viola?
Because he was intelligent.

Why is a viola like a lawsuit?
Everyone is happy when the case is closed.

Did you hear about the violist who got up to the fifth position and couldn't get down again?
What's the best place for a violist to learn all the positions?
The Kama Sutra.

How many violists does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They can't get up that high.

A musician was driving across a bridge when he saw someone poised on the railing, eady to jump off. He stopped his car, ran to the railing and grabbed the man before he could leap. He noticed that the would-be suicide was carrying a viola case under his arm.
"Don't jump!" he urged. "Just think of never seeing another beautiful sunset; of never hearing the birds sing again."
"I don't care", said the desperate man.
"Then think of your loved ones, your wife and children, who will never see you again."
"They are part of the problem," was the answer.
"Then think of the music. If you jump you'll never hear a recording of William Primrose again!."
"Who's William Primrose?"
"Go on and jump!"
Why is the well-known viola solo like a premature ejaculation?
You know it's coming, and there's nothing you can do about it.

How does a violist practice birth control?
By using his/her personality.

How do you keep your violin from being stolen?
Put it is a viola case.

The string quartet always rehearsed at the home of the first violinist. The violist kept on inviting the others to rehearse at this place once in a while, and finally, the others agreed to do so.
When they arrived at the violist's house, they found a large and completed jigsaw puzzle sitting on the table in the study. They admired it and one of the members of the quartet asked their host how long it had taken to put it together. The violist replied, "Six months."
"Six months?" asked the cellist. "Why so long?"
The violist looked shocked. "I thought that was quite an accomplishment! The box said '2 to 3 years'!"

The musician was walking on the beach, enjoying his vacation. Without realizing it, he kicked a bottle lying in the sand, and it hit a rock and broke. A puff of smoke erupted from the bottle, and before the musician stood a genie.

The genie bowed low to the startled man, and said, "Oh, kind sir, thank you a thousand times. You have liberated me from my two hundred and fifty years of imprisonment in that vile vessel of glass. I am indebted to you and am your humble servant. I ask you to please make a wish; any wish of your choice, be it large or be it small. Be certain that it shall be granted."

The musician thought for a few moments, and finally answered, "Yes, there is something you can do, not only for me but for the whole world. The situation in the Middle East has become horrendous. There are killings and shootings every day. The Arabs and the Jews have only hate for each other. There is no peace at all. Can you put a halt to the constant turmoil and bring peace and love to these nations?"

The genie scratched his head, and answered. "You know, I have been sequestered in that bottle for two-and-one-half centuries, and I do not know the countries you are talking about. Would you, perhaps, have a map of the area that I may see, and you can better show me to what you refer?"

The man, obviously concerned and preoccupied with the Middle East situation, and spending much of his reading time studying the ongoing events in that area, just happened to be carrying a book that contained the necessary maps, and produced them for the genie to study. After much thinking, the genie replied that his unfamiliarity with the scene was a bit too great, that the problems presented seemed enormous, and that he was not able or equipped to come up with an instant solution. He said, "I feel I must decline to grant the wish you ask, but if you will ask of me some other request, I will hope to do better with it, and satisfy you."

Disappointed, the musician answered, "OK, in that case, I play in an orchestra. It would really sound very good, if only the viola section had better intonation. They are hopeless. Can you do something to get them to play in tune?"

The genie again scratched his head, and this time thought for a very long time before replying. Finally he said, "May I see that map of the Middle East again?"